PhD students competition

Czech Society for Operations Research Award

Czech Society for Operations Research organizes competition for the best paper authored by PhD students presented on the conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2014.

All participants enrolled in PhD studies can participate in the competition (see also the Eligibility criteria below). This should be indicated during the abstract/paper submission via EasyChair by setting the submission category as "PhD students competition paper". All papers will be peer-reviewed and the papers with positive referee reports will be further evaluated by the conference Programme Committee. The Programme Committee will select six best papers that will be presented at the conference in a special session. After the presentations, the Programme Committee will select three best papers.

Eligibility criteria:

Only papers authored by a PhD student or a collective of PhD students are eligible for the PhD students competition. Papers authored or co-authored by a person that is not a PhD student will be disqualified from the competition and regarded as regular conference paper submissions.


  • First prize: Czech Society for Operations Research Award and 10000 CZK
  • Second prize: 5000 CZK
  • Third prize: 3000 CZK
  • Fourth, Fifth, Sixth prize: 1000 CZK

Competition papers

ID Participant name University Title of contribution
004 Milan Bouda University of Economics, Prague Macroprudential experiment using the DSGE model of the Czech Republic with Housing sector
013 Přemysl Bejda Charles University Geometric median, its applications and generalizations
014 Jana Krejčí University of Trento Fuzzy Maximal Eigenvalues of Fuzzy Pairwise Comparison Matrices
026 Juraj Hruška Masaryk University Gamma Hedging of Asian Options
031 Pavla Melicheríková Palacký University Olomouc A Cost-based Model for Support of Decision-making about a Spare-parts Storage
042 Radek Hendrych Charles University in Prague Recursive Estimators of GARCH Models: Selected Problems
052 Angelina Rajda University of Ekonomics in Katowice Inference about product reliability by the analysis of complaints as a strategy for manufacturing process optimization
078 Stanislav Sopko University of Economics Using cluster analysis techniques based on K-means and Kohonen clustering methods in credit scoring
091 Ľubica Šimková FSES Comenius University in Bratislava Impact of cooperation on firms on both sides of the market on innovation
093 Anastasiya Fesenko University of Economics The real use of operations research methods in conjunction with logistics technologies
101 Petra Matušková VSB-TU Ostrava Estimating capital requirement according to Solvency II and its impact on insurance companies
117 Michal Milek University of Economics in Katowice Estimation of regression parameters using simulation methods
122 Radim Dolák Silesian University in Opava Categorical data analysis: Lean Company research
129 Kirill Odintsov University of Economics, Prague Semi-definite relaxation of quadratic programming
132 Nataliya Soldatyuk University of Economics Methods of solving missing data issues in credit risk scoring and comparison of its effectiveness
141 Karel Lavička Charles University in Prague Futures Trading with Transaction Costs
142 Lucie Chytilová Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava Analysis of bank efficiency: an application of DEA approach in the Czech commercial banks
149 Michaela Staníčková VŠB-TU Ostrava Examination of Internal Relations in Input-Output Factors of Competitiveness by SEM Method
183 Tamara Rudinskaya CULS Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Food Processing Firms in the Czech Republic over the crisis period
194 Jan Manďák VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava Efficiency of 15 EU countries and the role of ICT: A stochastic frontier analysis approach
218 Frantisek Zapletal VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava Mean-risk model optimizing the heavy industrial company’s profit with respect to environmental aspects
219 Petr Královič EkF VŠB-TUO The Application of Real Options and Game Theory in Investment Project Evaluation
227 Barbora Ptáčková VSB - TUO Using of real option in the company valuation
233 Vaclav Skoluda University of Economics, Prague Comparative sensitivity analysis of CGE model results obtained by different model formulations
255 Adam Borovička University of Economics Prague Application possibilities of McCahone’s approach

Other papers originally submitted as a PhD students competition paper did not meet the eligibility criteria. Such papers were assigned the status of an ordinary conference paper.