Conference fee
Conference fee
- CZK 5,000 / EUR 200
- CZK 2,500 / EUR 100 (for PhD students) - the participant must send a scanned copy of his/her valid confirmation of study to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it before the payment to be entitled to students fee
The fee includes:
The conference fee includes the possibility of presenting ONE paper at MME 2014 and a possibility of having ONE paper published as a first author in the conference proceedings after a successful review process, conference materials, conference proceedings, coffee breaks, three lunches and two dinners.
Payment information:
The conference fee payment must be done separately for each conference participant (do not send the fee for more people in the same payment).
- Account number for domestic payments in CZK: 19-1096330227/0100
- International account number for payments in CZK (IBAN): CZ0901000000191096330227
- International account number for payments in EUR (IBAN): CZ9801000000433855090287
- Variable symbol: 993101141
- Specific symbol: participant's ID, which can be found at the List of participants page next to your name after registration (MANDATORY INFORMATION!)
- Bank: KB, a.s. pob. Olomouc, tř. Svobody 14, 772 14 Olomouc
- Organization name abbreviation: Palacky University Olomouc
- Message to remittee: write your name here
Participants are responsible for any wire transfer fees from their bank. We are responsible for the fees incurred from our bank, but yours will charge a fee as well. The conference fee is non-refundable.